কোর্স / কোর্স সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত

Flutter: Complete App Development

  • admin image

    By - admin

  • 0 শিক্ষার্থী
  • ২ Hours ২৪ Min
  • (0)

কোর্স রিকুয়ারমেন্টস

✔ Basic Computer Skills (recommended)

✔ Basic Knowledge of Programming

✔ Desktop/Laptop

✔ Internet Connection

কোর্সের বিস্তারিত

Mobile App development is growing day by day. With a single code base designed by Dart language, your apps can run on multiple platforms. It will reduce time and save money for a company.

That's why Flatter is gaining more popularity in today's dynamic digital world.

Embark on a transformative journey into the dynamic world of mobile app development with our comprehensive course, "Build Dynamic App With Flutter", guided by a seasoned instructor. This program is meticulously crafted to empower learners at every level, from eager beginners to seasoned developers keen to amplify their expertise. Whether you're taking your first coding steps or seeking to refine your skills, FlutterCraft caters to your unique learning needs.

Why Build Dynamic App With Flutter?

Benefit from the insights and real-world experiences shared by the Instructor, an industry expert with a proven track record.

Unlock a world of career opportunities in mobile app development, UI/UX design, or freelance projects with the proficiency gained in this course.

What You'll Master:

  • Navigate Flutter easily, building a robust foundation for your app development journey.

  • Simplify Dart programming, demystifying coding complexities and laying the groundwork for your coding prowess.

  • Dive into UI design, creating captivating app screens using basic and Stateful Widgets, regardless of your design background.

  • Elevate your skills with state management using Provider, ensuring your apps are dynamic and responsive.

  • Unleash the power of Firebase for cloud-connected app development, mastering REST APIs, geolocation, and data storage.

  • Receive valuable career guidance, ensuring you're well-prepared for the competitive tech industry.

Your Odyssey Awaits:

Embark on this exhilarating odyssey to become a proficient mobile app developer. Whether dreaming of career milestones or creating your app empire, FlutterCraft is your launchpad to success.

Join the Build Dynamic App With Flutter course today and sculpt your future in the ever-evolving world of mobile innovation!

কোর্স আউটকাম

  • App Development with Flutter
  • Responsive Design
  • Dart Language
  • Firebase Integration
  • REST API Handling

কোর্স কারুকুলাম

  • 5 chapters
  • 29 lectures
  • 0 quizzes
  • ২ Hours ২৪ Min total length
Toggle all chapters
1 Introduction of Flutter, Course Curriculum Class - 1
৪ Min

1 Installation of Flutter SDK IDE Class - 2
৫ Min

2 Creating First Flutter Project Class - 3
৩ Min

3 Understanding Basic File Structure Class - 4
৪ Min

4 Running app On Emulator Class- 5
৩ Min

5 Basic about Dart Language Class - 6
৪ Min

1 Introduction to flutter widgets
৪ Min

2 Working With basic Widgets
৫ Min

3 Use Of Layout Widgets
২ Min

4 List view, Grid view, SingleChild scroll view
৬ Min

5 Working With Material Widgets Class
৮ Min

6 Use of Statefull Stateless widgets
২ Min

7 User input gesture
৭ Min

8 User input gesture
৭ Min

9 Use of Navigation Widgets
৪ Min

10 Use of Form User Validation
৪ Min

1 Managing state using Flutter s built in state management solutions
৩ Min

2 Firebase Realtime and Firestore
৬ Min

3 Firebase integration and Data fetching
১০ Min

4 Handling asynchronous operations with async await and Future Builder
৪ Min

5 Introduction of API Class
৩ Min

6 Fetching and displaying data from Rest API
৫ Min

1 Using animations and transitions
৪ Min

2 Customizing and creating your own widgets
৩ Min

3 Working with local databases and storage
৪ Min

4 Accessing device features e g camera location file manager
৫ Min

5 Building platform specific features e g notifications permissions
৪ Min

6 Optimizing app performance and debugging techniques
৪ Min

7 Integrating Firebase for authentication and backend services
৭ Min


0 রেটিং
0 পর্যালোচনা
135 শিক্ষার্থী
2 কোর্স সমূহ

Course Full Rating


কোর্স রেটিং

রিভিউ পাওয়া যায়নি

সাইন-ইন অথবা সাইন আপ একজন শিক্ষার্থী হিসেবে রিভিউ পোস্ট করতে

শিক্ষার্থীর ফিডব্যাক

আপনি আরও পছন্দ করতে পারেন

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